Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Spider-man 4: A mercy killing?

If the information in this article is correct then maybe the death of Spider-man 4 was for the best.

"Raimi wanted to end the movie exactly the same as 
Spider-Man 2. With Tobey quitting his Spider-Man job Yet Again. He breaks up with Mary Jane and falls in love with a new woman — who turns out to be the Vulture's daughter. After Spidey kills the Vulture, she dumps him, and he's so depressed, he quits being Spidey again. I think we can all let out a collective sigh that this film didn't go through."

Source - io9.com 

Oh crap, that sounds horrible! Now I am a HUGE fan of the first 3 Spidey Movies*, and think Sam Raimi did an amazingly faithful job of bringing the comics to life. And I mainly blame the flaws of Spider-man 3 (plot holes and ret-cons) on the studio and the unrealistic deadlines placed on Raimi. But if this is true then it sounds like Raimi was going off the rails with Spidey 4 and we should be releaved he was stopped. Also sounds like Raimi probably was at fault for the horrible "Sandman really killed Uncle Ben" plot in Spidey 3, although I think it was handled very well, it was a bad idea and undermines how great those scenes are in the first movie (and how faithful they are to the comic).

Or this could be BS put out to help convince the fans that losing Raimi might not be the worst thing that could happen to the series (that would be casting the dude from Twighlight as Peter). Either way, really unhappy the new movie is a reboot, unhappy it's set in high school (less than 2 years of Spidey's 40 years history was him in high school!). And most of all I am unhappy at losing Tobey Maguire, not sure how anyone can fill his shoes. He really was so perfect as Peter Parker, and a fantastic actor. My favourite parts of Spidey 3 were his "evil Peter", especially the street dancing.

* See my original thoughts on Spidey 3 - Here and Here


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