Perfect Dark - New Joanna Dark render

Check out this new render of Joanna Dark from the new XBLA version of Perfect Dark. It's no secret I am a HUGE Perfect Dark fan and this makes me very happy. Although she should have red hair.
The fact they did brand new renders of Joanna make me think they are putting some real effort into upgrading the graphics in this port. It is conformed that it will be running at 1080p, which is to be expected.
The ports of Banjo didn't have brand new renders and were just high resolution ports. Which would be fine. But I am hoping the Perfect Dark port has as much effort put into it as the abandoned Goldeneye port.
For reference here is a screen from the abandoned Goldeneye port:-
umm, that render of joanna was the original joanna from the N64 Perfect Dark. The 360 version was a horrible grab for nostalgia sales.
Wrong, this render was created for the new XBLA version.
And ALL games are made for sales! They don't create games as a humanitarian mission, not even games as good as Perfect Dark.
You could call every release on the Wii virtual console a grab for nostalgia sales! There's nothing "horrible" about it either, it's a GREAT version!
Wait I just realised you have no idea what your talking about! You think this is for Perfect Dark Zero don't you! LOL
They just released a HD version of the ORIGINAL N64 Perfect Dark for Xbox Live Arcade! And it's FANTASTIC!
And PDZ was awesome, so there!
I was referring to your comment about how her hair should be red. The Joanna pictured here resembles the original Joanna from the N64 version(yes, I know they are re-releasing it for XBLA). The PD zero Joanna just isn't the same, and I'm glad they are putting the old game on XBLA so the kids who missed it can experience it.
I played PD zero and was highly disappointed because I expected the awesomeness of the first game to be improved, but instead got a generic fps, worthy of nothing more than a 7 day rental. It may be an ok shooter but it doesn't match up to the original. When I called it a grab for nostalgia sales, I meant that the only selling point was the name, and not the gameplay.
Well I disagree, I thought PDZ was awesome. And actually her hair WAS red in all the original N64 game renders, not punk red like PDZ, but dark auburn. It was supposed to be that way in the game too but Rare said it never looked (N64 limitation) right so it ended up looking almost black. But her hair is red in all the renders used for marketing.
I also have the action figure rom the N64, red hair.
Some original N64 renders -
A render from the never finished Gamecube sequel -
So yeah her hair was red. And PSZ was awesome! :)
And the XBLA is version is ALREADY out! So stop wasting time arguing with me and go buy it!!!! :-D
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