Sunday, 7 June 2009

Perfect Dark N64 comparrison shots

jotokun over at Gamefaqs posted these great comparison shots from Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 54. Really shows what a great job they are doing on the XBLA upgrade.

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Perfect Dark XBLA - Screenshots and XBLA confirmed!

Take a look at these delicious screens from the port of Perfect Dark to XBLA! Looks like it's getting a full graphical upgrade. New higher definition textures and upgraded polygons on guns characters. Very impressive. Also the confirmation of online is great news. Can't wait to play co-op and counter-op over Xbox Live!


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Perfect Dark - New Joanna Dark render

Check out this new render of Joanna Dark from the new XBLA version of Perfect Dark. It's no secret I am a HUGE Perfect Dark fan and this makes me very happy. Although she should have red hair.

The fact they did brand new renders of Joanna make me think they are putting some real effort into
upgrading the graphics in this port. It is conformed that it will be running at 1080p, which is to be expected.

The ports of Banjo didn't have brand new renders and were just high resolution ports. Which would be fine. But I am hoping the Perfect Dark port has as much effort put into it as the abandoned Goldeneye port.

For reference here is a screen from the abandoned Goldeneye port:-

And one showing the upgrade cut into the original:-

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Behind the scenes of Monkey Island : Special Edition! With Ron Gilbert.

E3 2009 - Awesome news from the biggest event in video games!

Well I don't know about you but so far I have been very happy with the news from E3. Remakes of two of my favourite games of all time and lot's of great new games coming soon.

Perfect Dark is coming to XBLA in glorious high definition and I can only imagine with full support for online co-op and multiplayer! No screens or footage yet but I'll post when there is, there is a free (and awesome) theme on XBL though!

Also The Secret of Monkey Island : Special Edition was announced for XBLA. A high definition remake of the first episode of the classic Monkey Island series from Lucasarts, probably the greatest point-and-click adventures ever made.

And to top it off, a true sequel to the Monkey Island series on the form of an episodic game from Telltale Games (ex-Lucasarts and includes many ex-Monkey Island creators) who brought us Sam and Max Seasons 1 & 2. Monkey Island games have always been presented as multipart stories anyway so this is a perfect fit!
