A moment for mourning

Hopefully the issue of gun control can be discussed seriously, as there surely can be little doubt that if the United States had the level of gun control that all other first world countries share, this tragedy would probably have been on a lesser scale.
That is not to say that guns are to blame for what happened. But neither is rock music or video games. What is to blame? Well I fear that is a question that requires too much real thought for the mainstream media in the USA to discuss. And I have no doubt the usual suspects will be brought out so we can all point fingers. Although Marilyn Manson hasn't put a new album out in a while. But maybe "blame" is the wrong word. Maybe responsibility would be more apt, maybe we need to decide how we all are responsible rather than who to blame. Or at least how we can be responsible in helping prevent it from happening again.
My condolences to the family's and friends of those that are no longer with us, I am deeply sorry for you loss.
Well said Lee. This tragedy will not soon be forgotten and the federal laws need to change regarding guns in this country.
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