Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Sunday, 25 March 2007
I just purchased and moved into my first home this weekend and that has pretty much taken away all my spare time. This week will also be a little hectic as I have a lot of unpacking left to do but I will try and post blog updates during the week and I do hope to have a new comic up early next week.
NOTE: Post dated this for the future to keep people in the loop as I post blog updates.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Lowest of the fucking low!
This video of Joe Rogan calling Carlos Mencia out for being a plagiarists piece of shit is classic.
More comedians need to call these fuckers out. As a huge fan of the greatest comedian to ever live (William Melvin Hicks aka Bill Hicks) I get an uncontrollable urge to punch Dennis Leary in the face ever time I see the talentless fucking piece of shit hack. Stealing from a far more talented person is bad enough but then filling a TV special full of the stolen material is just fucking disgusting. Take a look at this to see what I am talking about -
It wouldn't be so bad but he steals the jokes and then wraps them in his own selfish arrogant ego and removes the beautiful essence and intelligent philosophies that were Bill's theme. The overall message of hope and love is gone in the way Leary performs Bill's material. Leary has also been (justifiably) accused of basing his entire on stage persona on Bill's, however elements of Leary's own arrogant self-centered persona that doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, instead promotes a very undesirable way of looking at the world.
And worse of all Leary used the "No Cure for Cancer" special (full of Bills material) as a springboard to fame while Bill tragically died of cancer.
However Bill Hicks continues to sell more albums every year and his legacy as a one of the greatest comedians has been honoured many times. In a 2005 poll to find The Comedian's Comedian, fellow comedians and comedy insiders voted Hicks amongst the top 20 "Greatest Comedy Acts Ever" at number thirteen. Likewise, in "Comedy Central Presents: 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time" (2004), Hicks was ranked at number nineteen. While the hack Dennis Leary shamefully appears at number 50 (but at least he was many places underneath Bill).
On the 25th of February 2004, British MP Stepehen Pound tabled an early day motion titled "Anniversary of the Death of Bill Hicks" (EDM 678 of the 2003-04 session), the text of which was as follows:

- That this House notes with sadness the 10th anniversary of the death of Bill Hicks, on 26th February 1994, at the age of 32; recalls his assertion that his words would be a bullet in the heart of consumerism, capitalism and the American Dream; and mourns the passing of one of the few people who may be mentioned as being worth of inclusion with Lenny Bruce in any list of unflinching and painfully honest political philosophers.[7]
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Tips For Spielberg and Lucas As They Embark On 'Indy 4'

But hey it will at least encourage some more Indiana Jones video games! Which have been more consistent than Star Wars games for quality (except a few of the really early ones). I was really surprised we didn't see a quick follow up to the Emperors Tomb game. That was easily one of the best games on the Xbox in my (slightly biased Indiana Jones loving) opinion. Can't wait to play through Indiana Jones' greatest Adventures on the Wii Virtual Console for probablt the 5th time when it is finally released (probably around the same time as the movie).
But as for this blog, I have to agree with most of this guys suggestions but his comment about Spider-man 1 being boring is about as close to blasphemy as a statement can get for me.
Tips For Spielberg and Lucas As They Embark On 'Indy 4'
Monday, 19 March 2007
Lucas on Star Wars TV SHOWS!
George Lucas was recently a featured guest at the Paley Festival at the Museum of
![[ Lucas Talks: Star Wars on Television ]](
To hear what was said about these projects, click the link.
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Sony PS3's HOME - Update
STOP PRESS: Sony do something RIGHT! (TWICE!)

Essentially, Home is a 3D, avatar-based social environment available for free to users of the PlayStation 3 network. The idea is to give users a way to connect in a multimedia space and interact with the various forms of media available on the PS3.
Home will be a free download. It will go into a large-scale beta in April and will launch publicly this fall.
While Home has some innovative features--most notably the ability to watch high-definition quality video available through the PS3 network--it's strongly reminiscent of virtual worlds like Second Life, only deeply scaled back.
Home participants will be able to meet other members, most likely in a main public area known as the "Central Lobby," and communicate through text, audio or video chatting. They will also be able to pipe in--either in public or private theaters--the latest movies or TV shows available through the PS3 network, as well as their own user-created videos.
Further, users will be able to infinitely customize their avatars. And each member will be given a small (and free) private space, somewhat like an apartment, that they can customize per their own tastes.
Harrison told CNET that while users will be able to design their own clothing and avatars, as well as other content--be it furniture, vehicles or the like--Sony will moderate anything meant for public spaces, most likely to ensure that Home remains a family-friendly space. Content meant for private spaces will not be moderated, he added.
"We've been working on Home for about two-and-a-half years," he said. "So we're absolutely aware of other avatar-based (environments), but we're taking a different approach."
He did say users would be able to create some forms of their own content, though he did not specify what kinds. He did indicated that, like in Second Life, and other virtual worlds, users would be able to conduct transactions in exchange for some form of payment.
And while it's evident Sony doesn't expect Home to be a major cash cow, there are some potential revenue sources.
Those, Harrison said, would include sales of in-world goods; in-world advertising (Home allows for high-quality, realistic advertising); and business-to-business services like sponsorship opportunities.
Sony also announced a game called LittleBigPlanet, which is a "user designed playground". A create-your-own-platformer tool of sorts. Looks freaking awesome too! Two peices of great news from Sony regarding the PS3 in the same day! Shocking! Check out the LittleBigPlanet video below and prepare to drool.
Originally found on the fantastic video game blog Kotaku.
Worms hits Xbox Live Arcade

Well that is until the greatest football game of all time hits later this year, what game is that? Well it can only be the definitive Sensible World of Soccer! Incidentally both of these games originated on the Commodore Amiga 500 home computer, home of my favourite game of all time, It Came From the Desert!
While I'm on the subject of I.C.F.T.D., it can be downloaded for free from the Cinemaware site, shame it's the inferior PC version. They also offer the Amiga 500 disk images but it would require some patience and an Amiga emulator to get it running.

Monday, 5 March 2007
Free New Music - ASH

They also shot a studio video while recording, which I am attaching for your viewing pleasure.
Head over to the link below to download a high quality MP3 of the awesome new track from the Northern Irish lads.
Free new Ash song!
Friday, 2 March 2007
Dog dates hags
Thanks to the awesome TTN webcast for featuring this.
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