Unreleased Perfect Dark Zero and more

Despite the lukewarm reception from critics, I was and remain a big fan of Perfect Dark Zero. In fact I think it is probably my favourite first-person-shooter (with Dues Ex: Invisible War right behind it). So getting a chance to see the game in some of it's beta stages is exciting to me. I think the above image is gorgeous, in fact I think Joanna looks even cooler in that shot than she did in the final version. More unseen Perfect Dark here. And here.
And for all of you that thought PDZ was bad, well let me just say that I hate you and every fiber of your being. But no hard feelings, OK?
Unseen64 is a foreign website (don't worry it's easy to navigate) that collects a variety of screenshots for unreleased games and released games looking very different from the final versions. Want to see Metal Gear Solid on the Saturn? Or The abandoned Resident Evil 1.5? Or even the Gamecube version of Too Human! They have these and many more over at Unseen64.
I'm going to credit Kotaku for directing me there this morning although I have come across this site in the past. But since Kotaku rocks I'm happy to plug them.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go start a letter writing campaign for Perfect Dark Zero 2.
PDZ was OK, didn't like the single player much though. It was better in co-op but the online multi-player was pretty good. Gears is better.
That;s OK your entitled to your opinion. Your wrong but your entitled to be wrong :-D
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