Spider-man 3 The game of the movie of the comic

Who's excited about the Spider-man 3 movie? Everyone? Thought so. Well many of you may have forgot that there is also a game set to be released along side what may be the greatest super-hero movie ever!
Spider-man 2 was a great game, Ultimate Spider-man was even better, and I expect the Spider-man 3 game to surpass the previous games. I just hope the swinging mechanism is more like the Ultimate version than the Spider-man 2 game. I'm sure some will disagree with me on this as it was a slightly controversial issue when Ultimate was released, but I found that once I got used to the Ultimate Spider-man controls I was unable to return to Spider-man 2 and enjoy swinging.
I think many people just didn't figure out the trick, which was to press the climb web button just before letting go of the web at the apex of the swing. Until figuring that out I tended to find it hard to get any height while swinging.
I would much prefer a Spider-man game set in the "616" universe (that's the regular comic to you non-insiders). Although a game based on the movie is better than the horrible Ultimate universe (sorry I never forgave the terrible Gwen Stacy death story).
Anyway head over to Gamespot UK for the scoop!
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