Podcast Webcast of the week!

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TTN is exactly what it says on the box, all talk (with some jamming in part 2) and mostly nonsense. There are no specific themes here (except the regular Dubya bashing in part 3) just good humour from two very likable guys. If your looking for a something entertaining to listen to at work or on the journey I strongly recommend you check out TTN. It comes in 3 parts (usually 30/45 minutes each) every week, and is in my opinion a great addition to anyone's playlist!
Here's the description of the show from Yahoo podcasts -
"Jon and Scott discuss any topic that comes to mind and attempt to point out stupidity in America and around the globe. Being almost not stupid themselves, they are highly qualified to provide commentary on topics that range from evolution to boobs to goat's ass to the commander and chief of stupidity, George Dubya Bush."
A big thanks to Flat Life reader Orochi for introducing me to TTN.
TTN Is just great. TTN Anchorman Phil Mcracken whitcome in part 3 always leaves me in stitches.
Truly one of the webcast greats.
Yeah Phil is classic. I love when they have God or the Devil drop in.
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