Thursday, 25 March 2010

Marvelman / Miracleman comes back to print!

Great news for comic fans. One of arguabley the greatest comics ever written is finally coming back to print after years of legal battles!

Unavailable in print since 1994 the Alan Moore run of Miracleman/Marvelman is without doubt among the list of must read comics. Introducing many of the themes that he would later use in the classic Watchmen books, MM is a post-modern masterpiece and I strongly recommend everyone interested in this art form go pick up the Alan Moore written issue's which will hopefully be released as a TPB soon. Sounds like they will also be released as single issue's in the new on-going series.

From Marvel's press release.

Marvel is proud to announce the return of Marvelman to shelves everywhere with the release of Marvelman Classic Primer #1 in June! Who is the mysterious Marvelman? And just why is he one of the most enduring super heroes of all time? The answers arrives in this commemorative one-shot featuring interviews with creator Mick Anglo, superstar Neil Gaiman and more who contributed to this character's history over the years! [...] Then, in July, thrill to the debut of Marvelman Family's Finest #1, a new ongoing series reprinting Marvelman's greatest adventures for the first time in the US! Plus, no comics fan can miss Marvelman Classic Vol.1 Premiere HC, reprinting Marvelman's earliest adventures in chronological order!


Perfect Dark XBLA

If you are not already aware, Perfect Dark was released for Xbox Live Arcade last week. An HD remake of the Nintendo 64 game and sequel to the beloved Goldeneye 64 (minus James Bond of course) and without a doubt one of the greatest games of all time.

If you like First Person Shooters, you NEED to buy this game! At only 800MP ($10) this game is a steal, the amount of content in Perfect dark would make any and all current $60 releases blush with embarrassment!

Seriously I can not recommend this game enough, fantastic single player, great online/offline co-op, awesome online multiplayer. Quite honestly it's probably the best shooter ever made! Forget Halo and Call of Duty, Perfect Dark is back to take back it's crown!

Well, what are you waiting for? GO BUY IT NOW!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Robin Hood Tax

A tiny tax on bankers that would give billions to tackle poverty and climate change, here and abroad.
This tax on banks – not you or I - has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year. It could give a vital boost to the NHS, our schools, and the fight against child poverty in the UK – as well as tackling poverty and climate change around the world.

Brilliant! We need to get this in the US too!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

RIP: Corey Haim

What a damn shame, Corey was well overdue a comeback! It took a while but I think it was not casting him in The Lost Boys 2 that killed him! Well except he eventually did get his kinda lame, kinda cool The Lost Boys 2 cameo. But I highly doubt it's what he wanted, but to be fair that crappy straight to DVD sequel wasn't what anyone wanted.

"I am so dead they're going to have to bury me twice."
Quote from License To Drive

Rest in Peace Corey, I was always routing for you and Feldman to have a real comeback. Maybe Feldman will get his chance now your gone. Who know's maybe Tarantino will cast him in his next movie, that seems to work for everyone else.

Links: -

Corey finds out he's not in The Lost Boys 2 -

The Lost Boys 2 cameo -

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Debunk the Junk - Save the internet

Monday, 1 March 2010

Health Care Costs Around The World
