Marvelman / Miracleman comes back to print!
Great news for comic fans. One of arguabley the greatest comics ever written is finally coming back to print after years of legal battles!
Unavailable in print since 1994 the Alan Moore run of Miracleman/Marvelman is without doubt among the list of must read comics. Introducing many of the themes that he would later use in the classic Watchmen books, MM is a post-modern masterpiece and I strongly recommend everyone interested in this art form go pick up the Alan Moore written issue's which will hopefully be released as a TPB soon. Sounds like they will also be released as single issue's in the new on-going series.
From Marvel's press release.
Marvel is proud to announce the return of Marvelman to shelves everywhere with the release of Marvelman Classic Primer #1 in June! Who is the mysterious Marvelman? And just why is he one of the most enduring super heroes of all time? The answers arrives in this commemorative one-shot featuring interviews with creator Mick Anglo, superstar Neil Gaiman and more who contributed to this character's history over the years! [...] Then, in July, thrill to the debut of Marvelman Family's Finest #1, a new ongoing series reprinting Marvelman's greatest adventures for the first time in the US! Plus, no comics fan can miss Marvelman Classic Vol.1 Premiere HC, reprinting Marvelman's earliest adventures in chronological order!