
The movie has been out almost a week now, and has met mixed reviews. My personal feelings are that the movie was a fantastic adaptation of a masterpiece, and that it's depth may have been lost on many first time viewers. For me the consensus on "Rotten Tomatoes" is pretty accurate -
"Gritty and visually striking, Watchmen is a faithful adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel, but its complex narrative structure may make it difficult for it to appeal to viewers not already familiar with the source material."
And those that claim to be fans of the graphic novel that were unhappy with the film? Well as far as I am concerned they are nothing less than jaded assoles. How could we have dared to have asked for a more faithful adaptation? This is a better Watchmen movie that anyone could have expected! I can not give Zack Synder (and all that were involved) enough praise for bringing this the graphic novel to life. I am one very happy Alan Moore fan.
I beg you all to read (and digg) this open letter from screenwriter David Hayter.